Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Another Curve in the Road - or the Blog!

So its time to change angles yet once again. Why is that? Perhaps because I got married or perhaps because my job changed or perhaps simply because that's what life is, a bunch of turns and dips just like a rollarcoaster. Whatever the reason may be, I realize 2 things,

1. I've ignored my blogs too long and
2. I have more to say than just what I see regarding the children in our schools

That's not to say that I won't be unloading my abstract understanding of education onto this website - and by the way, has anyone thought why people actually listen to my views regarding the topic especially considering that I have no formal education in the topic - GASP, did we just realize that formal education is not necessarily the only measurement to ones understanding of a topic?? *GASP*

So coming to the point, basically this blog will now be more generic, and sadly more like other blogs out there. Random blabbering. I'd like to identify a focus, but we've seen that really doesn't stick. But does that really matter? I suppose not, mostly because not many read this.

So the new focus?
An inside panorama - to Education, Human Resource, Development, and IT .... what a focus!